By registering as a customer of Shuttle Bug you confirm your agreement to the following terms.
- The password that you set for use to access your private account pages must be sufficiently robust to protect against unauthorised access by being at least 8 characters in length and contain alpha characters, numerals and symbols.
- We must be notify of all changes to contact information, collection and destination addresses and passenger information.
- We must be notified of all pertinent medical information of passengers that is required to provide adequate care .
- The contact details of at least one additional guardian is provided in case we are unable to contact you.
- Changes to shuttle bookings for the following day's early morning shuttles must be received by the previous evening.
- Changes to shuttle bookings for the day's school / extramural collections must be received by 8am that day.
- Accounts are payable on presentation.
- We reserve the right to cancel bookings when circumstances beyond our control prevent us from executing the shuttles as planned.